Home Student Portals UNZA Moodle Portal – moodle.unza.zm

UNZA Moodle Portal – moodle.unza.zm


This article contains information on how to gain access to moodle.unza.zm as the University of Zambia (UNZA) eLearning Management System (LMS) also known as the UNZA moodle portal.

University of Zambia (UNZA) eLearning Portal – How to Access

Staff and students of the University of Zambia are informed that the e-learning platforms are now ready for access by both staff and students. In view of this development, students and staff of the university are informed that teaching and learning activities in all programmes and courses shall commence on Tuesday, 14th April 2020. Students are therefore being reminded that only those that are registered will be able to access the e-learning platforms.

The University of Zambia (UNZA) seeks to improve learning processes for its student. Therefore, it is pleased to announce the adoption of a Learning Management System (LMS), that would make it easy for students to attend classes online, get lecture notes and submit assignments anywhere and anytime.

This E-learning platform is to helps lecturers of the University of Cape Coast in uploading their courses and course materials (ie. course outlines, lecture notes/PowerPoint presentations, recommended reading books/journals, videos, forums) on the E-learning platform to enable students to access them for continuing academic work. A series of short video tutorials will be made available in the coming days to further help our lecturers in uploading their courses.

The following is a guide on how to enrol in the e-learning MS.


When you will first visit your Moodle site you will see the front page of the Moodle Site with the list of the courses which are available for the students.

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The Moodle interface can be customized a great deal. My home is a customisable “dashboard” page for providing users with links to various programmes, courses and activities within them, such as unread forum posts and upcoming assignments.

  • My home usually has the Course overview block in the central Depending on the site settings for this block, categories and child courses may display under the main courses.
  • On the My home screen, the courses in the Navigation block are expanded by default, as shown in Figure 2, whereas they are collapsed by default elsewhere in Moodle.
Logging In

In the extreme top right corner of the Moodle site you will find a Hyperlink which says “You are not logged in (Log In)“. You can also find the same link in the Footer of your site just above the Moodle Logo. Click the link and Moodle will present you with the login to the site page.

Editing Your User Profile

Once you have successfully confirmed your account and logged in, you will find yourself back at the main page along with one additional block on the Left hand side of the screen with title “Administration”. The links in this block will depend on the permissions available for your account.

If you look at the upper-right corner as well as in the footer of the site, you‘ll see that the Login link has changed. It now says “You are logged in as: Your Name” highlighted as a clickable Link.

Click on your name to view your user profile. Press the Edit Profile button to edit your profile. Moodle will then present you with your personal profile details page, like the one shown in Figure 1.3. You‘ll see your profile summary, interests, your courses and the first and last time you logged in.

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The online teaching and learning activities will be facilitated as follows:

  1. The Institute of Distance Education (IDE) will continue using Astra E-learning for all programmes;
  2. The Graduate School of Business (GSB) will continue using Astria E-learning for all programmes;
  3. The School of Humanities and Social Sciences will use Astria ONLY for postgraduate programmes; and,
  4. The rest of the schools and units will use the Moodle platform for both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
  5. It is important to note that all E-platforms are accessible through the University website.
  6. Click login. You must already have an account created to be able to log in.
  7. Enter your username and password
  8. Click on Login after entering your username and password

Please note that all students automatically have the University of Zambia email accounts as follows:

  1. Email address: Computernumber@student.unza.zm
  2. Default Password (your computer number)

It must also be noted that all passwords have been reset as above to allow students that may have lost their passwords to reset. All students are reminded to reset the passwords once they log in for the first time. In case of any trouble accessing the University of Zambia email system, students are advised to contact the support team in the respective schools as above.

Additional Information

In a bid to ensure all staff are familiar with e-learning platforms, the university has arranged online trainings for staff and students who need extra training beyond what they already know. All such staff and students are encouraged to access the training sessions through the e-learning platforms as the self-taught materials are already on the platforms. Continuous training will be encouraged to ensure that e-learning proceeds smoothly. Management is encouraging all students to acquaint themselves with the programmes and courses before classes commence.

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Following the decision by the University of Zambia Senate to implement e-learning in view of COVID-19, two platforms are now fully operational; Moodle and Astria.

In view of this please note that ALL School of Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate programmes will be taught using Astria. All students automatically have a UNZA email. The instructions for accessing your Astria account, which has already been created, have been sent to your email.

However, the following are additional steps to be taken to access the UNZA email. It has also been noticed that UNZA does not have students’ phone numbers. Please use the link below to update the mobile phone number on Astria.

Also, note that It is now possible for you to add an alternative email that you are comfortable with in case you do not want to use your default UNZA email.

The following are the steps:

  1. Your email address is: computernumber@student.unza.zm and the password is your computer number. For instance, if Phiri has the computer number ‘12341234’, his email address is 12341234@student.unza.zm and the password is 12341234
  2. Your email addresses are all Google (Gmail). You can, therefore, access your email by clicking on the link https://mail.google.com/
  3. Once you access your email, please follow the instructions from Astria platform already in your email to access the online platform.
  4. Please note that it is important that you provide your phone number by updating the details on the link below. The admission number is your computer number. Put the details and click update info. This exercise is only available for a week before closing. Follow this link: https://myhss.unza.zm/user_info_form
5. For further details please send an email to support.hss@unza.zm.
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